
What are its benefits ?

  • Sleep + Insomnia
  • Anxiety + Stress
  • Energy + Circulation
  • Muscle Relief + Sports Recovery
  • Back + Chronic Pain
  • Migraine + Cranial Tension


What is acupressure? As the name suggests, acupressure works by applying pressure to various points on the body while acupuncture uses needles! Acupressure restores balance to the body's energy flow (Qi) by manipulating the body's meridians. The term "meridian" refers to all of the pathways that pass through the body, acting as a mode of transport for vital energy... This energy affects everything from our mood, to our health and well-being. -being.

This acupressure mattress stimulates our energy points and acts on our vitality, while creating a feeling of well-being. being in the body... The soft and painless pressure of the mattress allows the body to relax and release endorphins.

How to use it? 

For maximum benefits, lie on your mattress for 20 to 40 minutes several times a week: Place the pillow in the neck crevice behind the head. Let your shoulder blades descend into your back, towards your coccyx, the objective being to hug the mattress as much as possible... This set is an accessory that relieves back and lumbar pain.

The direct contact of the flowers with the skin is preferable for optimal relaxation, however you can experiment with a T-shirt or a towel until you find the level of sensation that suits you! Take your time to find the "right" position

The slightly rounded plastic tips are painless and create gentle stimulation. People with sensitive skin, haemophilia or psoriasis should use the mattress with extra protection. The acupressure mat allows your body to break down toxins, so don't forget to drink water after each session!

You can practice lying down or placing your legs against the wall to release the pressure that builds up in your legs...

Another tip: Stand upright on the mattress to activate the acupressure points located under the arch of the foot. And put a few drops of essential oils of your choice on your mattress for total relaxation...

Dimensions: the mat measures 74 cm (L) x 43 cm (W) x 2 cm thick, with 210 pressure points!